Basil Audio is now a Michell dealer.
Continuing the pride of British audio we are happy to welcome Michell Engineering to our brand family.
John Michell began his engineering career when he served an apprenticeship with Finchley Autos in the early fifties. Deciding to start his own business, he set up in his garden shed and quickly moved to a small industrial unit in North London. Working at a jobbing engineering company, he soon outgrew the premisies so, during the mid ’60’s, moved to Borehamwood, which is where the company is still based today. Although very much an engineering company, John also made scale models and it was during this time that he met Stanley Kubrick and built the ship ‘Discovery’ for the film 2001 – Space Odyssey, later to become the inspiration for the GyroDec.
Following on from the success of the GyroDec and from its customers, Michell Engineering launched the flagship Orbe in 1995. Developed as a true high-end performance turntable, the Orbe features significant engineering improvements over the GyroDec. Still the company’s flagship turntable, the Orbe has undergone refinements over the years and now offers a performance way beyond its price bracket.
With the recent launch of the Gyro SEduction, Michell Engineering goes from strength to strength and through great support from customers and suppliers continues to be one of Britian’s iconic HiFi marques.
Please contact us at Basil Audio at 408-647-5407 if you wish to discuss purchasing a Michell turntable.